Monday 26 May 2014

The Start of Hiking Season

With the end of ski season comes the start of hiking season.  And we made sure to get started right away. Chris, the Kraken, and I headed out for our first hike of the year.

We decided to do the Fullerton Loop, just outside Bragg Creek.  We started the day with a good, simple lunch at the Cinnamon Spoon in Bragg Creek.  I'm loving their BLT on a bagel right now...   They have a lot of other fresh yummy options - from sandwiches, to treats, to a multitude of brewed beverages.  This is a super popular spot for road cyclists that make Bragg Creek their destination - so it can be hopping when you arrive.  But, I still find service to be fast and well worth the short wait.

We than took the quick drive down to the road to park at Allen Bill day area.  The hike has changed since last years major flooding in Alberta, but they have done a good job of rerouting and marking the trail.  Overall, the hike is about 6km round trip.

Since the Kraken is just learning to walk, he was stuffed into a backpack.  We have gone with the MEC child carrier.  The one I've linked to is not quiet the one we use - ours is an older version.  But we have found that it's a pack that both Chris and I can carry with ease.  It's easy to adjust for our different sizes and the little guy is pretty happy and able to view the world from his perch on our backs.

As I said, the hike has changed a bit since the floods, but this comes in mainly with the start of the hike.  Instead of starting along the river, you use the crosswalk by the entrance to Allen Bill. From there you follow the newly marked path through the woods.  The Loop itself sustained no damage in the floods.

Part of the reason that we selected this hike is that we have done it in the past and know it to be an straightforward loop.  We tend to take the left fork when doing the loop.  This leads to a steady uphill along a hill side.  This allows for some amazing views of the valley below.  Tough with a baby on your back, but also very doable.  Once at the top of the climb there is some rolling landscape, before heading back down through the trees.  There is the option to continue uphill for another viewpoint.  We have done this in the past, but with the added weight of the Kraken and being the first hike of the year, I didn't feel up to tackling the added climb.  

As we hiked we realized that we were not the only family to consider this a good starter hike, as well as a child friendly one.  We passed a huge number of families on this hike.  From tiny babies, to toddlers in packs, to young kids making the hike on their own.  We even came across a women 7 months pregnant (brave, what?!)  We found families of all varieties.

It was a great start to our hiking season and hopefully the first of many hikes.  If you're in the area and looking for a pretty, enjoyable and family friendly hike, consider the Fullerton Loop.  You wont be sorry that you did.

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