Sunday 23 February 2014

Rocking it on Rossignol

Another ski brand that I had the chance to test the other week during my demo day was Rossignol. I found two skis that I think some might enjoy.

The first ski I want to tell you about is the Rossignol Temptation 88. This ski was in my top three from the day. Let me give you the specifics before I get into what I loved. I skied a long ski, 170cm, and still had a great ride. The dimensions of this ski are 135 tip, 88 underfoot, and 124 tail. Take a look at my blog on these numbers if you need a refresher on what they mean.

The Temptation 88 is a current ski in the Rossi lineup that they have slightly updated the look of for the 2014/15 ski year. It still has a black background with a beige graphic. So super basic, but it works. Especially when you consider how well this ski performs. The biggest update is the addition of Air Tip. This is a technology that uses hexagonal hollow pockets in the tip of the ski that reduces weight without compromising strength. The bonus of this is that it helps lighten the swing weight of the ski; very helpful in trees or tight turn situations.

What I loved about this ski... pretty much everything. It was a super responsive ski. It was easy to ski, but far from being boring. It had a lot of pep, so that when I went to turn it it really popped. All this while I was skiing a long ski. The longer the ski the harder it can be to get it to respond, and I found it responsive at the long length. So I can imagine how much better the ski would be in a size I would more likely buy, (162cm).

I would really like to get this ski out into choppier terrain, because as I mentioned, I only skied groomers the day of the demo. While I think this ski has strength in groomers, it's always fun to get a ski onto variable terrain where it belongs to push its limits.

So, if you are an intermediate to advanced skier, and looking for a ski that's great on groomers, but can be taken off into choppier terrain, consider this ski. The Temptation 88 is a great option that you'll have lots of fun on.

The Goods:
Easy to ski - yeah for saving the legs for lots of runs
Light weight
Fun on groomers - a good groomer day can be so fun
Simple Graphics
Good ski to grow into ability wise

The "Not-So-Goods":
Stronger skiers should only apply
Simple graphics - I'm a girl that likes a little colour

The other Rossignol ski that I had the chance to ride on demo day was the new Saffron 7. This is a ski that was added to the Rossi line up for the 2013/14 ski season. While it's a newer ski, they have still updated the look for the 2014/15 season, and for the better in my opinion. I really like the new colouring with pink details. But it's not an overpowering amount of colour, just enough to make the ski visually enjoyable. This ski also gets the Air Tip treatment for 2014/15 model.  Bonus.

I had the chance to ski the 162 cm length ski, that had the dimensions of 128 tip, 98 underfoot, 118 tail. The Saffron 7 was a good, solid ski. It made good turns that were very smooth. I found the ski to be responsive and it edged well when I went to make my turns. I have to admit I wasn't overwhelmed by this ski, but that can also be a really good thing for some. I think the word that comes to mind is predictable. What I mean by this is that the ski did exactly what I asked of it. I knew what it was going to give me and it didn't surprise me. Again, this is not necessarily a bad thing. This quality in a ski can make it the perfect ski for many and I can see that there are many that will love this ski. I can even think of a friend that I would recommend this ski for. I think she would fully love it.

So if you are an intermediate/ advanced skier looking for a solid all mountain ski, give the Saffron 7 a test drive. It could be exactly the ski for you that will allow you to make great turns, while building your technique.

The Goods: 
Predictable - this is good and bad all at the same time.                                            
Easy to turn                                                
All mountain
Intermediate/ advanced ski

The "Not-So-Goods":
I just didn't love this ski...

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