Tuesday 2 December 2014

We did it!

We did it!  We took the Kraken skiing for the first time.  We were unsure how it would go, since when we put the ski boots on his feet at home he would melt down.  But we figured we could at least take him to the hill to play in the snow.  We bought season passes to Nakiska, so we couldn't go wrong.  

To get past the boot disdain, we switched boots quickly at the base of the hill, quickly clicked him into skis and started pushing.  And he loved it!  He started laughing and smiling right away.

Over to the bunny hill and up and down we went.  Chris and I were in snow boots the whole time, we
left the ski gear at home.  This day was only about the Kraken.  We kept it super simple.  Just a few pushes up and down the hill.  Never letting go.  The little man is still in the floppy stage of things.  You let him go and he simply bends his knees and flops over.  So it's full parental support right now.

After a few pushes up and down, the smile was fading a bit so we pulled the ski boots off and romped in the snow for a little longer.  One more 5 minute stint on skis and we were inside for yoghurt and a little cookie.

I think we were at the hill for less than 2 hours, but overall I think it was a success.  Enough of a win that when the Lake Louise World Cup was on last weekend, he was riveted to the TV.  And when we saw a Resorts of the Canadian Rockies commercial I had to replay the powder skiing segment 3 times.  Yeah, maybe we've created a skiing bum!  

But one thing we remembered and will have to always keep at the front of our minds is that this is a long road.  Each time out can be 5 minutes or two hours.  But in the end his reaction, enthusiasm and overall enjoyment must lead the experience.  This one really isn't about us.  

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