Sunday 15 June 2014

Velco all the way, baby

Somehow time is flying by on this end and I missed posting last week.  Sorry for that.

As I mentioned in my last post, I've been getting out running more and more all the time.  While the Garmin is great for keeping track of my run details, my runs would never happy without my stroller.  The one we grabbed, and I'm loving, is the my Velco Tri Mode EX stroller.  This stroller has a number of features that made it the one we selected all those months ago.

The first reason we selected it was that we knew it could take us from infancy to toddlerhood, to the possible addition of more kids.  To allow for infancy, the stroller seat back can lie flat so you can safely lay a tiny baby in there.  No, the baby doesn't face you, but there is a window in the cover that will allow you to see your baby.  There are two bassinet options (the Bassinet and the Husssh Bassinet) that you can buy that will allow the stroller to become more infant friendly, but we had no issues with the stroller the way it was - and the Kraken was a tiny guy when we started using it.  Because you can lie the baby flat, I was able to starting running with the boy at a young age.  Due to the lie flat position and the fact that he didn't have to support his head I was given the okay to run by our doctor early on, which was great for my fitness and mental happiness.

The stroller also has a wheel lock out option.  With the quick turn of a dial at the front of the stroller it goes from having a fully pivoting front wheel, to one that locks in place.  When locked in place the stroller is easier to control and makes running with it very easy.  I find that it keeps course well enough that more often than not I run with one hand pushing and guiding the stroller.

The stroller also comes with a large canopy.  This means that I can very easily keep the Kraken out of the sun on my runs at almost any time of the day.  There is a large under seat storage area that can fit a remarkable amount of stuff.  We walk to the store all the time and I can fit an impressive quantity of food in there.  There is also a pocket on the back of the stroller that it quiet large.  A great feature of this pocket is that it detaches.  And this serves two purposes.  One, you can quickly remove it to take valuables with with you.  The other feature is that there is mesh underneath the pocket.  So when you remove the pocket you create a vent that allows for a great cross-breeze to cool baby down on warm days.

Like any stroller the Tri Mode EX is rather heavy.  But I've not found it too bad.  Being allowed to run with him when he was younger and thus not as heavy, I've been able to build my strength slowly as the boy grows.  I didn't just all of a sudden have to start running with 20lb+ baby.

While I know many people run with a Chariot, I've been more than happy with my choice of the Velco and the many options that I has given.  From walking to running, to grocery shopping, this stroller has allowed me to do it all.  Take a look if you are in the market for a new stroller.  

Tuesday 3 June 2014

Sun and runs

With the wonderful weather we've been having lately I've had the opportunity to fit in lots of runs.  I've been a runner for years now - all thanks to a tough trek in Peru that made me realize that I really needed to get into shape.  I've trained and run half-marathons, I've run 6 days a week, I've run longer and shorter distances, but through it all (including pregnancy and childbirth) I've continued to run.  I've found that it has become my stress relief and the thing I need to do for me and that makes me a happier and better wife, mother, friend, person.

These days I tend to run less and defiantly run less distance, but I still continue to run.  Most days I have the Kraken in a stroller and always have my dog, Mortimer, in tow.  Pushing the stroller, with the weight of that and the growing weight of the boy makes my runs harder and part of the reason I give myself the permission to run less distance.  But I still get out, and I'm thinking that's the key, right?

With my runs these days, there are two key elements that I can't leave home without.  These are my Garmin running watch and of course my stroller.

For my first mother's day, Chris bought me a Garmin Forerunner 610 - yep a sweet GSP watch.  I love this running watch!  While it's kind of big and this was one of my concerns, since I have small wrists, I have adjusted to it's size.  It's got a lot of great features, some I use, some I don't.  You can customize the number of pages and the information displayed on these pages.  The main page on my watch shows me the distance I've travelled.  It's remarkably accurate, as I tend to run the same routes, I mentally know the distances, but the 610, also tells me the elapsed time and the lap pace.  I like keeping an eye on the lap pace to see how my run is going and if I'm maintaining my pace.  I have other pages that display the average pace for the whole run and the average speed.  I can keep an eye on elevation, my heading and the accuracy of the GSP.  These are the options I've chosen to have my watch display, but there are a multitude more to select from.  You can even set a "race" up with a pace target setting.  Although that just seemed like too much pressure to me...

Another great feature is that the watch will auto-pause.  So I get stopped at a traffic light, or Mort is super interested in a pole, I don't have to worry about pausing the watch, it does it all on it's own.  The other feature that sold me on this watch was the it has a biking option.  With a quick button hold, the watch switches over and can be used on my bike.  Again, there are a multitude of options that you can have your watch display for you.

And in the end you quickly upload the information onto the Garmin Connect website so you can track your workouts.  The site shows all the details of your run, gives you the opportunity to add in more information if you so desire (weather, temperature, etc.), and displays a map of your workout.  You can also add in other actives that the watch doesn't monitor - skiing, weight lifting, swimming, skating, etc.

Overall, this watch has become a great companion to my workouts and I think has helped give me positive feedback on how my runs are progressing.  If you're a runner and looking for a new GSP watch, seriously consider this one.  I have really enjoyed it.