Sunday 1 December 2013

Best laid plans

Adventures in parenthood.  You might make the best plans and have all the details worked out, but somehow the little ones can have other plans.  Our big idea for the weekend was to hit the ski hill on Saturday as my husband was working a Rossi demo.  What a great opportunity for me to test out a variety of skis.  Today, Sunday, we planned to head to Lake Louise to watch some world cup ski racing.  The FIS Would Cup Super G is taking place today, yesterday was the Men's World Cup Downhill.

But all of that was before the little man decided to get a high fever this week.  It looked promising for our weekend of ski based activities on Friday when the fever broke.  Then came the rash...  A very unhappy little man resulted in a trip to the hospital overnight and three very tired humans in our house.  Our little man is fine, just a virus.  So love and time are what he needs right now.  He has defiantly been earning his nickname of "the Kraken" this week...

The race taking place at Louise is the first race for the men for the 2013-14 race year.  The women are in Beaver Creek, CO, USA right now.  Next week they change places, so the women are at Louise for a downhill race on Saturday, and a Super G on Sunday.  Two great weekends to watch some amazing ski racing if you are looking for something fun to do. You can always take in the races and make a few turns as the ski hill is open to the public during these races.  Lake Louise has made a few upgrades over the summer that are worth checking out.  A big one is upgrades done to the Temple lodge, located on the backside of the hill.  This will allow those enjoying the terrain back there, to stay there for lunch and needed warm beverages.  I'm interested to get there myself to check out the improvements that have been made.

Right now I'm off to get some needed sleep, but will post more later on the new Rossignol skis out for this year and let you know some of my husbands thoughts on them.  I will do what I can to get out on these skis in the coming weeks, so I can give my female stamp of approval on his picks.

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