Monday 25 November 2013

New ski year, new blog

Welcome!  With the start of the ski year, it seemed like the perfect time to start blogging about all things skiing.  We had our first day out yesterday, with the help of my mum to watch the little guy.  The sky was bluebird and the snow was amazing for the start of the season.  It was a little bony, with rocks to be found in many locations, just below the surface.  But if you picked your line, you could really let the skis fly.

I was riding my K2 Misbehaved  - twin tip, 133 tip, 102 underfoot, and 127 tail.  I have a sweet Marker Squire 11 binding on them.  A very sharp setup thanks to my wonderful husband.  Maybe not the best ski choice for the start of the year and a lack of fluff, but I do love these skis.  Even on a groomer I can make these skis react.  While they are wide underfoot, I find that they are still really responsive.  So these skis give me the chance to really play on the groomers, but then pop over into the chop and see how rusty my skills are.   While small, I am a powerful skier, but still don't have a lot of weight to put behind these skis.  But even with that, I find that I only have to put a bit of effort in and they will react very quickly.  It's been awhile since I've played with these skis in the powder, having to take last year off to have a baby, but I loved them last time.  I will post more on the wonders of these skis and powder on the first dump that we get.  

I think this ski is a great choice for someone who likes to have a poppy ski, but one that covers a wide variety of terrain.  I would fully recommend this ski to an intermediate to advanced skier, who is looking for a good all round ski, but aiming towards something a little wider underfoot.

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